Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's so SINFUL.... Fruit tarts :p

Upcoming practical would be FRUIT TARTS, quickly sign up via the link

Strong warning to students who did not attend after sign up. You have to look for YOUR OWN REPLACEMENT if you're unable to attend. 

Culinary IG

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sushi Practical !

Is the sushi practical on 7 July!

(Vinegar Mixture: Follow the recipes on the sushi vinegar bottle)
180ml x 3 cups  Rice
60ml  Vinegar mixture for sushi
45g Sugar
10g  Salt

Tuna + Mayo
Corn + Mayo
Crab meat

Lay your seaweed on your sushi rolling mat,
Press your rice "flat" on your seaweed then put the filling that you want
Roll your seaweed up.

Photo time! :D

Our next practical, we'll be doing Pizza! Sign up now! :)
Check your email /FB page for any updates!